Indiana School Choice Voucher Program
Your student could be eligible for a Voucher or SGO award if:
Student Eligibility
Effective June 29, 2023, the following requirements must be satisfied to qualify for a Choice Scholarship award:
Student must have legal settlement in Indiana.
Student must be at least five (5) years old and less than 22 years old by October 1 of the school year that the student is applying; and
Student is a member of a household with an annual income of not more than 400% of the amount to qualify for the federal free and reduced price lunch program.
SGO Scholarship Fund Donations
Tax Credit
If your family does not qualify for the School Choice Voucher Program or an SGO Scholarship award, please consider supporting the program. Individuals and corporations can donate to the SGO of Northeast Indiana and receive tax credit of 50% or more.
Donors should consult their tax advisors to determine tax consequences based upon their particular situation. The SGO of Northeast Indiana is administered by the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend. St. Joseph School will need to solicit funds for the SGO in order to continue to assist our families in need. A one year award of at least $500 to a St. Joseph School student could then qualify them to continue their remaining years in our school on a full Indiana School Choice Voucher. Please see the link below for the SGO website if you're interested in making donations to St. Joseph Catholic School's fund.
SGONEI Website:
SGONEI Donation Form: SGONEI
For more information regarding donations to the SGO fund, please contact Mr. Brian Baker, Principal at St. Joseph Catholic School (260) 724-2765.