
Local Scholarships 

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

The Indiana Choice Scholarship Program, enacted in May of 2011, provides scholarships to attend a school of choice for Indiana families. In conjunction with the Indiana Scholarship Tax Credit Program, these programs offer the opportunity for Indiana families to choose the school that best suits their children’s needs.

DOE Indiana Choice Scholarship 

Choice Scholarship (Voucher) Program

Indiana Choice Scholarships, sometimes referred to as vouchers, provide State funding to qualifying students that can be used to offset tuition costs at participating schools. Students qualify based on student eligibility criteria and household income. The application process is done through our school office. Please call Melinda Adams at 260-706-7126.

Indiana Scholarship Tax Credit Program- Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO)

The Indiana Scholarship Tax Credit Program provides eligible families with scholarships given by certified Scholarship Granting Organizations (or SGOs) to attend the school of their choice. Private donors receive a 50% tax credit for their donations to these SGOs to fund scholarships. Any qualifying student enrolled at St. Joseph School school is eligible to receive an SGO (tax credit scholarship). The SGO process is done through FACTS Management.

Facts Grant and Aid 

Are vouchers and SGO scholarships the same?

No. The Choice Scholarship Program, which is commonly referred to as the voucher program, provides state-funded scholarships to eligible Indiana students to offset tuition costs at participating schools. SGO scholarships are funded by private, charitable donations and awarded by a certified SGO to eligible students.

The Vouchers provide scholarships to eligible students by utilizing a portion of the state funds allocated for that child to follow them to the non-public school of their choice and family income must fall below 400% of the Federal free and reduced lunch maximums. In contrast, SGO Scholarships are not funded by the state, but instead by charitable donations. Family income must also fall below 400% of the Federal free and reduced lunch levels for SGO Scholarships. 

Choice Scholarship Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2024-2025